Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's done!


Anand said...

Super dude! Emailed it to him yet?

Ravages/CC said...

Awesome stuff man

toadstools said...

Thanks, CC, Anand!...maybe we should put our heads together to work on something...we shall discuss that very soon then!!

toadstools said...

cc: by the way...who's you partner in crime for the Interface's hiring piece

amazing illustrations...seasoned pen and ink artist definitely!

The Noob Blogger said...

:D nice stuff... I like the simple style and space used.

Ravages/CC said...

Illustrations for Interface's hiring is by Sam Rajapandian. Ad agency veteran

toadstools said...

Thanks Susheel! it was fun working on it too. But it came out of a workshop I attended at the Alliance with Anand. We hope to work on more complicated pieces with different illustration styles